Sunday, December 8, 2013

FMCG Brands need to use Social Media to engage Housewives - Sagar Gupta

Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies are now increasing their focus on the digital medium, with larger budgets for some of their brands. The overall budget allocation for the digital medium is still 1-2 per cent of their total advertising spends, but industry experts say this will go up substantially as FMCG companies realise the power of engaging consumers online, focusing more on housewives. Companies like Hindustan Unilever, Proctor & Gamble, Cadbury and Tata Tea have increased their digital ad budgets for individual brands targeting the housewives so as to engage them and ultimately lead to buying proposition.
The biggest plus point is that it is an interactive medium, so customers can be roped in easily. Look at the success of Sunsilk’s or Mattel’s GoaFest’s internet & new media category saw a surge in entries, with the winners being brand campaigns such as Axe Spray Chocolate, Cadbury’s Celebrate with Cadbury Dairy Milk’s and Tata Tea ‘One Billion Votes. Each of them had a huge role to play in the success of the brands.

With increasing penetration of Smartphone and more and more housewives using the technology space, FMCG companies are creating more and more engaging platforms. Also, social media sites can provide a platform for negative WOM which can even deter existing consumers. Therefore marketers must be responsive to customers and resolve complaints as soon as possible. FMCG brands should use social media to engage housewives mostly for personal care products.

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